
Manuals and repo for plugin flowcharting

Project maintained by algenty Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Draw.io editor

Grafana Flowcharting uses draw.io models, to make your own drawings, you must master this powerful draw.io tool

draw.io and grafana FlowCharting

Open draw.io at https://www.draw.io/ with

And copy/paste definition from draw.io, menu “Extra > Edit Diagram” in “Source Content” on Panel.

Or click on button “Edit Draw” in Flowcharting Panel and click on Save.

Open editor


Draw.io gives several examples to control the design at Basic flowchart

Exercices are available here too at

Shapes and examples

You can found many examples at https://about.draw.io/features/examples/

All shapes called stencils are usable in Flowcharting, if you found any shapes not correctly displayed, open an issue in project.
Click in menu > View > Shapes… to add shapes in left panel in draw.io

Open editor

Convert and import

Several formats are supported by draw.io like visio, png, svg with import menu.

With visio